Thursday 10 December 2015



I really like using ink to complete this piece as it was something new and I really liked using this in past experimentation with drawing and projects. I wanted to do more of the ink on other pieces as this was refreshing and good to use. 

Some rough 2-3 min warm up sketches other model in different poses. These I find im getting better at as I understand more of the human from. 

This piece was using both hands at the same time with different media. This was great fun and also challenging at the same time. I found myself much preferring the right hand sketch. Which is not my usual hand for drawing. 

Some quick sketches of the model using colour pens and continuous line drawing. I noticed once completed that the left hand sketch, was of center so it looks like the model is leaning on and angle, I addressed this on the image by including an angle of approach I can change it to. 

This last piece was a quick 5 min sketch of the model, then we were to label the specific parts of the anatomy, as ere were simultaneously learning about anatomy at the time of life drawing session. 

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