Wednesday 30 September 2015


Mood board for my battle arena that I will create in Maya. These are a collection of images that i have used for inspiration when coming up with an idea for what my arena will look like. All images are from either games or films and some are pure concept art pieces.  

I wanted to create a sci-fi battle arena, so I chose specific references and images that suited this theme. I also thought of having the arena raised in the are and supported by a large and long central spire or column pointing down. This is because of the design of Cloud city from star wars, seen in my mood board. I really love this design and wanted to take some inspiration from that as the main source of it look. The other images give me a selection of other objects to implement and sculpt into my own arena. I will probably end up using most of theses as key inspiration and reference as I like all these images and the small or large elements with them. 


Another starting point for the visual design work was to create a one point perspective drawing piece that would help us to construct environments and characters proportions. I used most of the initial drawing that we were set to copy, however, I changed it up slightly. I added more vehicles in the background, in the air and made the city space larger and not destroyed as the other version had. I also removed the person from the image, because I wanted to show off the main path or spillway leading into the One point.  


During the visual design lesson, we were given a image of a caterpillar which had been drawn roughly by another artist. I first cleaned up the image by pressing CTRL L, this removed any unwanted areas of sketch or rough outline. Next I adjusted the input and output levels to give it a grey outline. 

Next I created some more levels and set them to multiply so the color layer could blend with the shadowed one. For this layer I used the selected gray color pallet given with this task, and copied the brief to make sure the shadow was in the right place.

This was the color version of the character that I simply colored in using the provided color pallet. 

When the other two layers were together it looked like this. To make this not look so flat, I then blended the colors and added color shading. I think the finished product looks great and does have some depth and feel, from its starting state. The only thing I would add would be a light shadow under the charter, just to show its standing and not floating as it looks now. 


During the first week of CGA, we were introduced to Maya. A 3D software programme,that we will eventually create a battle arena on. To get a feel for how it works, we created a barrel which we then had to texture as well as shape.
I found this rather difficult as the instructions given were complex and in detail, how even when it comes to creating my actual arena, I think I will enjoy that process much more.  

The textures were created onto Photoshop and then put back into Maya to fit around the frame work of the barrel. I think it looks good, but again I would add a metal texture to the top of the lid ring, just t give it more depth. however this was only a initial practice piece.


For our first life drawing session we drew a woman. We were given specific time to do each one, this ranged from 2 minute drawings to 10 minute drawings. each built up the familiarity of drawing figure work, and shape and proportions of the body.

I have chosen the drawing in which I feel are the best and which express the body form well.
 This drawing above was a continuous line drawing one which meant I wasn't allowed to remove the charcoal from the page. this meant for some interesting and unique outcomes, ones which im happy with and do express the body form.

Most of the other drawings were done free hand and were time controlled. this one I really like because it shows off some nice and subtle features and forms that were quite challenging to accomplish. The charcoal also helped to add some depth and shading for the darker areas, and the light and dark together created some great results.


During the start of the course, we had to create and color a robot that was given to us to copy, on to Photoshop when using our graphics tablets. This is part of the visual design work, and ties in with other robot work, and also visual character design and perspective. My design I think fits well nicely, however the right arm (the non colored one) to me is out of proportion and the perspective is off. If I get a chance to do more on this piece, I will adjust the arm, and also color the full robot, as the color would really add to this.

Sunday 27 September 2015


Our first piece of homework/task that we were given on CGA, was to design a original badass robot. To start off with, I researched into existing robots who I though would be good to draw inspiration from and help me construct my own robot. I wanted to create a Hench muscular looking robot, so prime inspiration for this was Ultron, the T-800, and 2000AD ABC war robots etc.


When I had created my first rough ideas for my robot, I realised that my design were looking more Cyborg/Alien, than actual robot. So this made me reconstruct the head as I felt this was the area in particular which lacked robotic form.


With the next few rough ideas, I began to find a form I liked and which felt more robotic. I liked the head and the neck area, and thought they could work well for my final outcome. However the body design (left), was not  to my liking and I didn't like the overall shape of the body.

 My final robot design, I'am happy with. I really like the head and the robotic structure of the the upper torso area. The shoulder also adds a scrappy and welded together feel i wanted to have. I am still not happy with the lower torso, mainly because the proportions are not correct and also the construction of it feels rushed in a way. Other than that I am happy with it.