Sunday 27 September 2015


Our first piece of homework/task that we were given on CGA, was to design a original badass robot. To start off with, I researched into existing robots who I though would be good to draw inspiration from and help me construct my own robot. I wanted to create a Hench muscular looking robot, so prime inspiration for this was Ultron, the T-800, and 2000AD ABC war robots etc.


When I had created my first rough ideas for my robot, I realised that my design were looking more Cyborg/Alien, than actual robot. So this made me reconstruct the head as I felt this was the area in particular which lacked robotic form.


With the next few rough ideas, I began to find a form I liked and which felt more robotic. I liked the head and the neck area, and thought they could work well for my final outcome. However the body design (left), was not  to my liking and I didn't like the overall shape of the body.

 My final robot design, I'am happy with. I really like the head and the robotic structure of the the upper torso area. The shoulder also adds a scrappy and welded together feel i wanted to have. I am still not happy with the lower torso, mainly because the proportions are not correct and also the construction of it feels rushed in a way. Other than that I am happy with it.

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