Wednesday 30 September 2015


Mood board for my battle arena that I will create in Maya. These are a collection of images that i have used for inspiration when coming up with an idea for what my arena will look like. All images are from either games or films and some are pure concept art pieces.  

I wanted to create a sci-fi battle arena, so I chose specific references and images that suited this theme. I also thought of having the arena raised in the are and supported by a large and long central spire or column pointing down. This is because of the design of Cloud city from star wars, seen in my mood board. I really love this design and wanted to take some inspiration from that as the main source of it look. The other images give me a selection of other objects to implement and sculpt into my own arena. I will probably end up using most of theses as key inspiration and reference as I like all these images and the small or large elements with them. 

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