Wednesday 30 September 2015


During the visual design lesson, we were given a image of a caterpillar which had been drawn roughly by another artist. I first cleaned up the image by pressing CTRL L, this removed any unwanted areas of sketch or rough outline. Next I adjusted the input and output levels to give it a grey outline. 

Next I created some more levels and set them to multiply so the color layer could blend with the shadowed one. For this layer I used the selected gray color pallet given with this task, and copied the brief to make sure the shadow was in the right place.

This was the color version of the character that I simply colored in using the provided color pallet. 

When the other two layers were together it looked like this. To make this not look so flat, I then blended the colors and added color shading. I think the finished product looks great and does have some depth and feel, from its starting state. The only thing I would add would be a light shadow under the charter, just to show its standing and not floating as it looks now. 

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