Monday 7 March 2016



For this classwork we had to come up with concepts for a futuristic construction vehicle using angular shapes, and ones with circular shapes. This was to get us familiar with shop concepts before we started the homework which is our own ship. 

I started with the angular shapes version and really enjoyed this process of creation. I found myself wanting to create more different design as I moved forward wand was excited by the out come I would get. I worked quickly and glided through these designs. Although they may appear a bit messy, I find working quickly and letting my hand glide is a great way to create the specific shapes and parts of the vihichels or any design. However I do need to work more on the neatness of my work. 
I found out of all this was my favorite, because it wasn't too futuristic and you can still tell its a construction vehicles, it also sticks to th brief of angular shapes. Like I mentioned earlier, I need to work on neatening my work up so it looks more professional. 

The circles section of the brief I initially found easier, but when continuing with the brief it then became more challenging to create construction vehicles using mostly circles then angular shapes. I like all my designs as they are all different from each other and not overly similar. 

I finally chose this to be the one to got with, as I like the large clunky old feel to it. this was the only one I drew front facing as I wanted yo show the dirt scooped on the front as well as both the side legs. I still however need to keep improving on my presentation and ability of neatness within my work. this is something I found quite obvious when doing this brief. 

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