Tuesday 12 April 2016


For this sci-fi brief I was given the task of creating a future ship weather fighter or transport ship, and create a 3D model of it, then light it up and do a paint over.
I started with a mood board for a transporter, because I found a transporter to be more realistic as to what we could have in the future. I found designs that I liked and that suited what ship I wanted to create. 

After coming up with designs I came up with the rough designs for a transporter, that I could then adapt into 3D. I knew I wanted to make a square shaped ship with hover base on the bottom, that had two large engines. 
Once finished, I rendered up some images, of the ship with some different lighting. I found the one I like the most was a three quarter view from the right. I really like my design and how it ended up looking, however I would have made the ship features less tacky so its not cliche future accessories. 

For the final paint over, I used some dirt and rough worn textures, set to overlay and then put a grey blue, very very pale blue wash , as I didn't wan the colour to be too overwhelming. Lastly added some lights to the top and front, and am pleased with the overall result if a little cliche although I like the almost reto design

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