Friday 29 January 2016


Using strong charcoal in dim light, for the effect of shadows. 

Experimentation with the side of charcoal to get skin texture. 

5 minute sketch of the model, I really like the subtleties within this, the hints at textures and skin folds, This is one of my favorite pieces of mine. 

Quick sketch. 

Some more quick sketches. 

Foreshortening piece, from the side angle. I am pleased with how this turned out as this wasn't overly  exaggerated with the Foreshortening and was mostly in proportion. 

Another angle of Foreshortening. This I found much harder than the first mainly due to the angle and the position of the model.

This last one again was difficult because of the position of the mode. However I found this to be my favorite and had good Foreshortening to it. 

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