Sunday 3 January 2016



For our Christmas task we were set to study the human anatomy, in particular the skeleton. I Learnt which bones were called what, from a list we were given. I then  sketched up some of the important bones in my sketch book, as this was the first task f the homework.

I drew up a variation of bones from the anatomy list we were given. Some which I knew and some which I didn't know what or where they were on the body. The skull is my favorite of all as it looks the most realist and I like the angle it is on. However I would have liked to add some shading to it and the other bones. 

I kept my three skeletons fairly simple however I had to include detail to use to label the different parts. The middle is my favorite of the three because it includes all of the skeleton, the first one cut of slighting so I would perhaps move it up a little so the feet can be included in it. 

I distributed the labeling across all three including some joints and all the listed parts of the anatomy, plus some more. This was a good and fun exercise to do because I like working with traditional media as I am used to using this for other previous art projects. 

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