Sunday 8 November 2015



The brief was to creature a creature that had four or more tentacles, and make this creature be not too cute or kiddy looking, and the final outcome needed to be in color, this could be done digitally or traditionally and needed to be in color. I chose digitally. As I want to further my skills with digital art.

To start, I created a mood board of images and references of creatures from media, with tentacles, that I found particularly interesting and unique. This helped me to form the basis for most of my ideas, without copying them too much, 

My first design idea, was a bipedal creature with tentacles coming from its back. I felt I needed to do something that wasn't humanoid looking so I decided this wouldn't be the final for me. However I still like the design of the creature itself. 

The second creature I found to be much more what I want to do as it was different from others I had done, and had some features that I could really express well when colored. I wanted to do this in traditional media I i chose it for the final but decided to stick with the digital work, ti further better my stills with digital art. 

The third design I found too flat, unlike the previous which had a lot more going on and more to work with. Although this one I still rally like, and would probably work well as another type of creature, for example a rock monster or a forest/swamp creature. I found the tentacles to be lacking, which is something I would change if doing again, and make the full body visible, to show it in its full structure. This would give me a much more interesting creature to work with. 

This next design i found to be to goofy and not interesting enough to develop further. I tried to go for a more comedic approach, however I didn't think it suited this tentacle creature brief too well so I ended up not using this for the final piece. This to me, seemed too familiar to existing material so I again didn't see the need to develop this one further.

My final creature was the second tentacle creature, coloured. I felt that this one opted for the most variety and this to add to it. I used the blending method of shadows and brushes on low opacity and the alt click color selection to do the blending and colors, this gave me a better and more slimy/ slippery texture that suited the creature and made it look more opposing. I am happy with how this looked and it answered the brief well. The only issue I have is the fact that the whole creature isn't visible. This is something that I would do differently yo show off extended features and more of the  creature its elf, if I were to do it again. The creature also features more that four tentacles so again this answers the brief. 

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