Sunday 1 November 2015



The Halloween themed brief was to create a zombie that would be inserted into a Maya animation of a person moving like a zombie. 

We were given a Photoshop document to play around with. This included basic face and clothing of a female character. We were first tasked with changing the colour of the clothes to whatever we wanted, and also to remove the existing logo/badge off the jacket and replace with our own logo. 

I  changed the colour of the clothes to a dark brown, to look more subtle when in use, and I then added a texture of dirt over this, on a new layer, that was set to overlay so it would come through and look like the clothes were worn and scruffy. 

Next, I placed my own logo in  and gave it and FX of bevel an emboss so it would stand out more noticeably. There was also a small one on the torso of the jacket but the other layers make it hard to see this. As each step was complete, I then saved the file and overwrote the previous, then in Maya, clicked reload, so each stage of saving could be viewed on the model. 

The next thing I did was get a face of a celebrity, one that was front facing, and then blend this with the rest of the head, over the other default face. Once that was done, I created a new layer, and set this to multiply. This layer is the blood effect layer. I first added blood to mouth nose and the left eye, after which I got a blood splatter texture and put this over the right eye, looking as if the eye was missing. After this I added some subtle red and black blood splats to the face, and then finally the yellow zombie skin. 

I then finally added some more dirt effects to the clothes and skin and then some blood splats on the clothes, to show the zombies "nature".

After all the clothes and skin was then done, I reload the page in Maya, once the save was overwritten and then my model had the textures and clothes of the ones I had just worked on in Photoshop. I am very pleased with how this turned out and I really think that the model now does look like a zombie. It has also met the brief well. This task was very fun and enjoyable and I hope to use this process again in the future. 

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