Tuesday 2 February 2016


Part of the statue process, was o create a head model. This was to be used for own own statues if desired. Or to then sculpt into another model for the statue. My statue, is going to be a robotic figure, so This head I wont use on the final statue. 

I took the liberty to sculpt this into my own version. I moved the eyebrows down and the jaw line in more, also made the nose bridge less exaggerated. I made the whole head look more menacing from the sculpt I ended up with. This was a great exercise, and I found it easier to move onto the actual statue from this. 

Overall I like this head model. The process of making it was great and tough me a lot of important factors, for crafting a 3D head, such as starting from the eyes and working out. I do however wish it was slightly less Tris as it did end up being 20,000 plus, once smoothed.  I hope to use this model in the future or maybe even to use it as a base to practice sculpting techniques or other head models.  

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