Friday 26 February 2016



Today in lesson we were shown a very helpful and great tutorial on how to use colour, and apply colour throaty to  a piece. The brief was to colour two pictures of Yoda, in tow different ways. One was to use colours opposite to each other on the colour wheel and make a de-saturated dull tone one. 

The colours used for this paint over were medium tones of green and yellow opposite to a darker reds and pinks. I really like the outcome of this first one as it looks in keeping with the character and the colours fit nicely together. 

The second one was a saturated version using colours that were near to each other on the colour wheel. For this I used strong greens and dull yellow and browns, and even some blue. I still like this piece however it is a bit overly saturated and would have been better had it been a little less striking on the eyes when initially viewing it. 
Overall This class work was very interesting a good fun I also learnt a lot more one colour theory that I didn't know and will defiantly use this tutorial as a reference for future pieces. 

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