Wednesday 10 February 2016



Drawing of my own hand, which iam please with as I find hands difficult to draw. 

Quick warm up sketches. 

For this piece we had to study the model for a few minutes, then drawing from imagination and memory as to what the looked like. The one on the left is just looking at the model and without looking at the page. I found this very interesting as to the result which is almost abstract. As where the right hand one is from memory. 

The next few are using colour, and playing round with warm ans cold tones of shadow, and what is close/far from you. 

This was created using pens, to showcase warm and cold and distance.Had I had more time, I would have completed this, making it look more like a painting. 

I then went on to use chalks which I really found myself liking and being very pleased with the outcomes. 

This final one, I am very pleased with. I enjoyed this process a lot and have learnt a lot about colour theory and warm and cold colours and how to apply them. 

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