Monday 1 February 2016



For this brief, we had to create a steampunk item of our choosing, weather a character, weapon or item, and have a brief understanding of the origins of steampunk. 

I first created a mood board of ideas for a character I could do. I wanted to do a character as I want to increase my skill with character drawings, and understanding of forms.

I decided to do a cel shaded piece, after thinking about which would look good for the illustrations I had draw as initial ideas. As I also want to make myself more comfortable with this style as well as the other paining techniques.

Bust sketches of different styles of steampunk fashion. I wanted to make a character that wasn't overly cliche of steampunk, so I choices to add goggles and a suit piece, not over doing the steampunk feel. 

My Finished piece without the background. 

Both background are temporary, as I want to do a better one, that is in keeping with the style of the piece. However these two (green/gray) don't look too out of place. 

I really enjoyed this brief as it made my understanding of this technique more in depth, as I now know things for this process that I didn't before. I will use this method in the future as I really like doing it, but next time I will try and further my skills to make the work muck better.

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